Registration Open for Three Chicks Fit Camp.

Three Chicks 2013.jpg

We will again be holding Three Chicks Fit Camp in July. 

Here are some details:

Start Date-

Tuesday July 9 (weigh in, measurements & fitness tests.)

Last Class-

Wednesday, July 31 (weigh in, measurements, fitness tests and PARTY!)



 for people with an unlimited class pass or parents of registered dancers. (Parents must have dancers registered for fall classes 2013.)


 for everyone else.

Both groups will receive a fit camp t-shirt.


All our regularly scheduled fitness classes PLUS additional FIT CAMP only classes. This year we will be including some family friendly weekend activities. Some weekend classes may cost extra, some are free, if you choose to attend them. We will give you support along with healthy tips and recipes (maybe even a healthy snack or two).  Fit Camp also includes a HUGE amount of fun and camaraderie with all the other Fit Camp Attendees. We have new classes and more fun stuff planned for this year!

We will only be taking about 12 people so sign up now for your spot!
